Manisha Koirala, one of the popular Bollywood actress has been diagonosed with Cancer. The actress is currently admitted to Jaslok hospital , Mumbai, where she was brought in three days ago. She will undergo treatment there, said a source.
Manisha was in Kathmandu from the beginning of November because she was doing up her new home in Nepal. A few days ago she took ill. She mentioned being down with a bout of food poisoning on a social networking platform. Post this, she fell unconscious and that's when an alarm bell is said to have gone off. And, she was immediately flown to Mumbai for further tests. Manisha's mother Sushma is by her bedside. Her father Prakash and brother Siddharth were expected to arrive in Mumbai late last night.
A close friend of her told that she is brave enough to fight the disease and overcome it. Well we also hope a speedy recovery for Manisha. Get well soon.
Manisha was in Kathmandu from the beginning of November because she was doing up her new home in Nepal. A few days ago she took ill. She mentioned being down with a bout of food poisoning on a social networking platform. Post this, she fell unconscious and that's when an alarm bell is said to have gone off. And, she was immediately flown to Mumbai for further tests. Manisha's mother Sushma is by her bedside. Her father Prakash and brother Siddharth were expected to arrive in Mumbai late last night.
A close friend of her told that she is brave enough to fight the disease and overcome it. Well we also hope a speedy recovery for Manisha. Get well soon.
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