Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor both the most talented and charming actors of Bollywood are charming more. As their film Barfi is nominateed for Oscars in the list of the best foreign language film.
Director of Barfi, Anurag Basu has been declared as one of the biggest hits this year ranking in more that 100 crores.
According to Priyanka Chopra, Barfi reflects their culture with three extremely commercial actors taking a chance playing parts that are not conventional. Plus the movie was accepted critically and commercially across the world which changed ones perspective on life.
Barfi has touched the hearts of millions with its sensitive story and superb acting performances by Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Illeana D’cruz.
Director of Barfi, Anurag Basu has been declared as one of the biggest hits this year ranking in more that 100 crores.
According to Priyanka Chopra, Barfi reflects their culture with three extremely commercial actors taking a chance playing parts that are not conventional. Plus the movie was accepted critically and commercially across the world which changed ones perspective on life.
Barfi has touched the hearts of millions with its sensitive story and superb acting performances by Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Illeana D’cruz.
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