The Hangover Part III is an upcoming American comedy film produced by Legendary Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is the sequel to 2011′s The Hangover Part II, and the third and final film in The Hangover franchise. The film stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis and Justin Bartha with Todd Phillips directing a screenplay written by himself and Craig Mazin. The Hangover Part III is scheduled for release on May 24, 2013.
This movie gotta be in your watch list. From the movie you get to learn that you should not drink to get such hangover. But hangover was fun filled movie. Its always nice to see those friends doing all those activities.
As this is the final part of Hangover. So you must see this. How decent people caught into trouble with some enjoyable moments. Yes this time there’s no wedding and no bachelor party at Las Vegas. But still things will go wrong when Wolfpack hits the road. So find out what things go wrong only on the month of May and till then get hangover.
I bet all those drunkards as well as non-drunkards will be enjoying the movie and will be remembering their hangover. And those non-drunkards will just wish they would get such hangover.
Now just see the trailer below and wait till the movie release.
This movie gotta be in your watch list. From the movie you get to learn that you should not drink to get such hangover. But hangover was fun filled movie. Its always nice to see those friends doing all those activities.
As this is the final part of Hangover. So you must see this. How decent people caught into trouble with some enjoyable moments. Yes this time there’s no wedding and no bachelor party at Las Vegas. But still things will go wrong when Wolfpack hits the road. So find out what things go wrong only on the month of May and till then get hangover.
I bet all those drunkards as well as non-drunkards will be enjoying the movie and will be remembering their hangover. And those non-drunkards will just wish they would get such hangover.
Now just see the trailer below and wait till the movie release.
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