Deepika Padukone suffered a few bruises and scratches on her arms and feet during the shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali's next tentatively titled film "Ram Leela".
A source reveals, “Deepika was wearing a heavy ghagra choli and weighty jewellery for a song she was shooting that day. Ranveer Singh (co-actor) was also dressed in a dhoti. But he was wearing lots of bracelets and armlets. The choreographer required him to lift her around the place for the song, which is how his accessories ended up bruising her.”
The actors were shooting the song at the set which has been created at Film City, Goregaon. Since they were also required to stay barefoot for the traditional number, Deepika apparently even developed blisters on her right sole.
“But none of that deterred her from completing the shoot. She didn’t utter a word. It was only after the crew noticed her wound that the situation was brought to the director’s notice,” adds the source.
Deepika and Ranveer will come together for the first time in Ram Leela, which is rumoured to be a Gujarati take on Shakespeare’s Romeo And Julie
A source reveals, “Deepika was wearing a heavy ghagra choli and weighty jewellery for a song she was shooting that day. Ranveer Singh (co-actor) was also dressed in a dhoti. But he was wearing lots of bracelets and armlets. The choreographer required him to lift her around the place for the song, which is how his accessories ended up bruising her.”
The actors were shooting the song at the set which has been created at Film City, Goregaon. Since they were also required to stay barefoot for the traditional number, Deepika apparently even developed blisters on her right sole.
“But none of that deterred her from completing the shoot. She didn’t utter a word. It was only after the crew noticed her wound that the situation was brought to the director’s notice,” adds the source.
Deepika and Ranveer will come together for the first time in Ram Leela, which is rumoured to be a Gujarati take on Shakespeare’s Romeo And Julie
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