The story continues from where it ends in the last series where Edward (Robert Pattinson) brings Bella (Kristen Stewart) to life and she begins her new life as a vampire and mother to Renesmee (Mackenzie Foy), who grows at an accelerated rate. But when Irina (Maggie Crace), a member of the Denali coven, mistakenly reports Renesmee as a human who has been transformed into a vampire to the Volturi, they set out to battle to destroy the Cullens for breaking the vampire law. To prove Renesmee is not an immortal child, the Cullens gather foreign vampire clans, to stand as their witnesses to the Volturi. Aro (Michael Sheen), the Volturi leader, has ulterior motives for battling the Cullens, however. With their vampire allies and the wolf pack, the Cullens defend themselves against the Volturi.
Although, Breaking Dawn Part 2 includes the ultra-romantic encounters between Edward and Bella, the overall experience is a straightforward and indulging one with the right balance between sentimental side and some entertaining changes. Bella experimenting with her new found powers, and the international cast of vampires and the final battle scene is a treat where the Cullens, Volturi and their respective allies engage in a huge battle.
Out of the five series, this includes a straightforward plot and manages to deliver a ‘war’ story complete with a fiery climax.
It could be said that audience who are not fans of the Twilight series will not enjoy the film as it contains the usual staples of the series. You can call it the perfect ending among the others of the series for those who are fans of the books, but for the rest it is a little overdone and confusing. Even for a franchise that is horribly light on drama, nothing at all happens here. And so it ends better than it started.
This film is supposedly a final chapter in the Twilight Saga and a welcome relief from all of the pomp and circumstance surrounding it. The final battle scene is what saves the movie.
If you are a fan of the Twilight series, go watch it; if you are a first timer, you will have some difficult time understanding the characters given the amount of ties to past events but overall will be a pleasant movie experience.
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